From the beginning, you were made in his image and likeness for a reason. You were made to think like him and see the world as he does because he wants to spend eternity with you. This time we have, which we call life, is simply an opportunity to mature and grow into the person he wants you to be. A person he would be proud to walk beside and call his child throughout time. A child of God. Someone that will appreciate what his Father has created and care for it as his Father intended. Knowing that when his Father finally does restore his kingdom, he will walk among his children and he will be their God and they will be his people. A time in which he will wipe away every tear, a time when there will be no more death, a time when there will be no more pain or suffering. A time when he will care for the needs of his children as he always intended from the beginning. A kingdom that he intended from the beginning, but delayed, in order to allow us, his children, to discover the foolishness of our ways, so that we would come to appreciate what our Father has created for us and all that he has done for us since the beginning of time.
God loves you so much. Everything he has done, has been done for you. Jesus stated that he came so that no one would perish. God doesn't want anyone to perish. He loves all his children, even the ones that reject him.
God loves his creation, and it broke his heart to see how people treated each other after the time of Adam. So he made a covenant with Noah that he would judge mankind for how they treated each other. From that moment, he would hold mankind accountable for how they treated each other because he expects them to love and respect each other because they were formed in his image and likeness and possess his attributes and should be respected as a child of Almighty God.
Jesus stated the two greatest commandments are:
1. To love God with all your heart
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Joshua felt it was so important, that he stated that in order to be prosperous and have success, God's word should not depart from your mouth and that you should meditate on it day and night and observe and do everything that is written in it.
It is so important to God, that when he restores his kingdom, his word will be written on everyone's heart when they are born and there will no longer be a need to share the Gospel with others. In other words, to be in God's kingdom for eternity, his word will be automatically written on everyone's heart when they are born. It is that important. In God's eyes, life can't be lived without having his word in your heart.
When asked what religion was, the Apostle James said pure religion, which is undefiled before God, is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
Our religious institutions should be places of worship where we grow closer to God and learn his ways so that we can go out into the world and better represent him as his representatives. We should never view ourselves as being more holy or better than anyone else. Instead, we should view ourselves as the light to a dark world that needs the love of God and allow God to flow his love through us to a hurting world.
Jesus said he came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly if we picked up our cross and followed him. He promised if we followed him, we wouldn't have to worry about tomorrow because our Heavenly Father would take care of our needs.
The Apostle Paul stated that we would possess a peace that surpasses understanding if, in every situation, with prayer and petition along with thanksgiving, we made our requests known to God.
The Apostle James said, when we pray and make our requests known to God, we should not doubt but believe that God hears us and will grant our prayers.
Once you become a child of God and allow his word to come into your life, love him with all your heart and begin to love your neighbor as yourself and walk according to God's ways, your life will never be the same. You'll take each step, knowing that the Holy Spirit is guiding you and at that moment, you are exactly where God wants you to be to fulfill his purpose in your life. It is an incredible since of peace knowing that your heavenly father is in control and loving a hurting world through you.
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